Attempt to replicate blocks from EV3 Lab Software that are unavailable in EV3 Classroom

Unavailable/Unsupported blocks

These blocks do not exist in lab software, can’t replicate them either.

Replicated blocks (results not completely identical)

Write block is used to draw shapes on screen, symbols like ., a produces weird/inconsistent results. Unicode characters mostly results in small ... dots on screen. Current viable characters that works: +, 0.

Display Shape: Line (Diagonal)

Display Shape: Line (Vertical & Horizontal)

Display Shape: Rectangle

To fill drawn rectangle, set fill to 1.

Display Shape: Circle

To empty fill of drawn circle, simply change condition of radius distance<= radius to distance <= radius_max || distance >= radius_min as thickness of stroke.

Touch Sensor: Bumped

Works both in if statement or two wait until statement.

Shape.lmsp consist of replicated shape blocks mentioned above.
Sketch.lmsp enables sketching on screen by controlling brick buttons.

Download the program files here